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How To Play Chess: The Ultimate Beginner Guide

How To Play Chess: The Ultimate Beginner Guide

➡️ Get My Chess Courses: ➡️ Get my best-selling chess book: ➡️ My book in the UK and Europe: ➡️ Mein Buch auf Deutsch: ➡️ Mi libro en Español: ➡️ Mon livre en français: ➡️ Το βιβλίο μου στα ελληνικά: ➡️ My book in ALL OTHER LANGUAGES: ➡️ Start Playing Chess FOR FREE: How to play chess properly, a guide for beginners. This guide is designed to teach you chess basics, chess openings, endgames, tactics, and strategy. 0:00 INTRO 1:01 CHESS BOARD 2:22 HOW THE PIECES MOVE 7:25 ATTACK, DEFEND, VISION 10:40 CHECK & CHECKMATE 13:51 OPENINGS 21:47 TACTICS BASICS 24:27 ENDGAMES 28:25 STUDY PLAN ➡️ Enjoy my videos? Donate Here : Check out my new Cookies and Cream Cold Brew from Madrinas! Don’t forget to use code “GOTHAM” at checkout to save 20% off your order: Email me your games: Sponsors, Business, Media: - [DO NOT SEND GAMES HERE] ⭐️ Follow Me If You Are Amazing: ➡️ CAMEO: ➡️ SNAP: ➡️ INSTAGRAM: ➡️ TWITCH: ➡️ TIKTOK: ➡️ TWITTER: ➡️ GOTHAM DISCORD: ➡️ PATREON: ➡️ THUMBNAILS BY:
A Guide to Organize Your Workspace – How to Declutter

A Guide to Organize Your Workspace – How to Declutter

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video. Go to or text ‘matthewencina’ to 500 500 and start listening today. 👇 More details, links, and resources 👇 In this video, I share the organization system that I use to keep my office tidy. Clean with me, and follow along in my decluttering process. By using some of the affiliate links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This is the easiest way to support me and helps me continue making content like this for you. Thank you 🙏 👉 Everything I used to organize my home office can be found on my kit link: 🎬 Take a full tour of my home office: If you want detailed photos and a breakdown of what's in the space, I've made a blogpost about my workspace here 🏠: 💡My Organization System is made up of 3 design principles: 1. Function - The purpose of the space 2. Flow - How easy it is to access tools 3. Familiarity - Intuitive tool placement 🔢 The Process 00:00 – Why it's important to have an organized space 01:53 – Matthew Encina's Organization System 02:26 – 1. Audit Your Workflow 02:49 – 2. Remove everything to assess what you have. 03:07 – 3. Reduce and simplify 03:54 – 4. Take inventory 04:06 – 5. Measure and plan out your space 04:34 – 6. Compartmentalize with more storage 05:00 – 7. Label everything 05:23 – 8. Adjust as needed 05:49 – My five minute clean up routine 🧹 📝 Here are a few recommended resources to help you organize your own space: ◾️ Simply Spaced: ◾️ For document scanning, I use Dropbox: ◾️ The one habit you need: how to set systems (vs goals) by @Rowena Tsai : ◾️ The Best Way to Organize Your Files and Folders by @Thomas Frank : ◾️ Decluttering for Messy People by @Matt D'Avella : 🎧 Do you like the music in this video? It's all from the Epidemic Sound library. Use my link to get your first 30 days for free: #cleanwithme #officeorganization #officemakeover _ Hello. I'm Matthew Encina. I'm the Chief Content Officer at The Futur and a Creative Director at Blind. I’m a Filipino-American. Born and raised in LA. I studied Graphic Design at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. I've been a creative professional for over 15 years directing, designing, and animating for some pretty awesome clients. I love to rock climb, breakdance, train in combat sports, play video games, drink coffee, and nerd out on video games and comic books. You can find me on many platforms: Instagram (Workspace Aesthetics): Instagram (Creative Projects & Thoughts): Facebook: Twitter: Kit: The Futur: Medium: Linkedin: It's nice to meet you. #DeskSetup #OfficeMakeover #DeskTour #TheFutur #MatthewEncina _ DISCLAIMERS: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Some of the products featured here were provided to me.
Table Manners - Ultimate How-To Guide To Proper Dining Etiquette For Adults & Children

Table Manners - Ultimate How-To Guide To Proper Dining Etiquette For Adults & Children

Most people will have a few select occasions – weddings, galas, major anniversaries – in which to participate in formal dining. Formal dining is its own special occasion with very particular rules and conventions. Fortunately, we explain everything that you need to know about formal dining in our dedicated guide. The Importance of Learning Proper Table Manners - To learn even more about etiquette, click here: More Etiquette Rules: SHOP THE VIDEO: 1. Madder Print Silk Tie in Yellow with Red, Blue, and Orange Diamond Pattern - 2. Wine Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange Silk Wool Medallion Pocket Square - 3. Shadow Stripe Ribbed Socks Light Brown and Blue - #tablemanners #diningetiquette #etiquette #etiquetteexpert #finedining ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gentleman's Gazette Facebook: FREE EBOOK: 00:00 Introduction 00:23 It is About Showing Respect Table manners are something your parents taught you but are far more important as an adult. First of all, your table manners speak volumes about your refinement and it's often interpreted as a sign of character. It's not at all about being snobby or showing off but much rather showing respect — your host and your dining partners will greatly appreciate your manners. It's very important to keep in mind, proper table manners always help you and never hurt you. The good thing is they can be learned and it's never too late to do so. So what are table manners? 02:31 Silence Your Cell Phone & Keep Away I suggest turning off your cell phone ringer when you enter someone else's home and put your phone in your pocket when you're with the guests. Don't leave your phone on the table because you are much more likely to pick it up and look at it which is impolite In the presence of other people. 02:46 Wait to Be Seated If the table is all set, don't just walk in and sit down. Wait to be seated or wait for the cue of the host, or when they sit, you can sit as well. 02:56 Sit Up Straight, Don't Slouch Sit up straight and comfortably — don't slouch, or cross your arms, or sit as you would on your couch while watching a football game. 03:07 Be Ready to Mingle Don't expect to sit next to your partner and follow the lead of the hosts. Traditionally, couples were always mixed up to sit with different people. 03:23 Place the Napkin in Your Lap If there's a napkin on the plate or next to a plate, put it on your lap right away. If the host or hostess wants to say grace, accept the gesture for what it is, and move along. 03:39 Examine the Place Setting Two, let's take a look at the place setting. In the Western world, an informal place will always have at least a plate, a knife, and a fork. If dessert will be served, you'll find either a little fork or a spoon on the top side of the plate. If soup is served or anything else that requires a spoon, you will also have a spoon. On the top right of the plate, you'll likely find a water glass which is always filled and a wine glass which is empty, to begin with. Sometimes you also find beer glasses; if you prefer that, if that's what's served with a meal. If you see little plate with an extra knife on a top left to your plate, that's for bread and butter. When you're done with the course, you place the fork and a knife at a four to five o'clock angle that means you're done. 05:26 How to Plate Your Food Three, now it's time to serve the food. Most informal dinners are family-style meaning there are bowls or platters where food is served from. For formal dinners, courses are usually plated but we talk about the intricacies of that in our formal dining etiquette video here. With bowls and anything at the table, the cardinal rule is, don't reach over anybody else and don't touch them. To start, pass the bowl around the table from the left to the right when you get the bowl you hold it and you serve yourself then you pass it on to your neighbor on the right. Always use the serving utensils and never your silverware that's on your place setting. Of course, if the host or hostess has a different idea, go with what they do. 06:57 How to Eat Properly Four, finally it's time to eat. You should only start eating when everyone else has been served and a host or hostess starts to take their fork and take the lead. It is very impolite and sometimes even rude to just dig into your plate of food while the others are still empty-handed. 16:46 Outfit Rundown
How to Exfoliate Your Skin: A Guide

How to Exfoliate Your Skin: A Guide

Today, discuss how to exfoliate your skin to improve texture, pigmentation, and fine lines / wrinkles Shop everything mentioned in this video here: 0:00 Intro 1:07 Benefits of Exfoliation 2:52 Mechanism and Types of Exfoliants 5:18 Choosing the Correct Exfoliant 10:06 What Age to Start 12:34 Cautions and Safety 14:33 Final Thoughts 15:44 Bloopers Body Scrubs for Keratosis Pilaris: FAB KP Eraser: Exfoliants for Dry Skin: Biossance Lactic Acid: Ordinary Lactic Acid: Exfoliants for Normal Skin: Krave Beauty: Drunk Elephant TLC: Exfoliants for Oily / Acne-Prone Skin: Paula's Choice BHA: (15% off) Exfoliants for Sensitive Skin: Ordinary Mandelic Acid: Inkey List PHA Toner: High-Strength Exfoliants (use with caution): Ordinary Peeling Solution: Paula's Choice 25% AHA 2% BHA: (15% off) **Favorite Skincare Products**​​ (15% off Paula's Choice) You can find us on Instagram: Dr Shah: @Doctorly​ Dr. Maxfield: @Dr.LJMaxfield You can find us on TikTok: Dr. Shah: @DermDoctor Dr. Maxfield: @Dr.LJMaxfield **Affiliate links help to generate revenue to support the channel. Always shop for the best price**
How to Make Money $ on the Internet: A Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad

How to Make Money $ on the Internet: A Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad

Get a two month free trial with Skillshare here → This is a brief guide on how to make money and build a career on the internet. It's impossible to cover everything but hopefully this might inspire some ideas. RESOURCES: Here are a few Skillshare courses that I personally enjoyed and that are related to the topics that I covered in this piece: Productivity Masterclass - I really enjoyed this course and found it super actionable.I was immediately making changes to my systems and how I approach the tasks that I want to complete → How to Start a Business Online - this was a really well-made breakdown on how to approach and understand the world of e-commerce → How to Share Ideas that Inspire Action - This one is made by Simon Sinek who is an amazing speaker and author, and I found a lot of value in learning about his approach and also the tips that he had to share → Fantastic advice/prompts for journaling for those of you trying to build up that habit → Learning Strategies - this one focuses on learning new things which is a topic and area of focus that fascinates me → --------------------------------------- Here are other resources if you’d like to do more research on this topic: This is Marketing by Seth Godin → More ideas/ways to make money online → Here's a solid guide to crowdfunding → --------------------------------------- Sign up to my newsletter here 🍦→ My online courses → My online store → My other channel → Get access to exclusive content on Patreon → Instagram → All of my gear 📷→ What I read (my book recommendations) 📖→ Get $55 off your first trip with Airbnb 🏡→ Take your films to the next level with music from Musicbed. Sign up for a free account to listen for yourself: #digitalnomad #onlineincome #ecommerce #ad
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